I believe Betsy Ross made the first American flag because.Theres a little proof cause it says her grandson William Canby and other members of her family members signed swon affidavits saying they heard the story from Betsy her self making the flag.Thats why I think Betsy Ross made the first American flag.
Author Archives: aeich1
Colonial Glassmaker
I am a glassmaker, glass is made from a mix of sand and chemicals.When I put them in together in a pot and its called a crucible.Then I melt it into a very hot fire.When im done with that,I dipp it into a contanor.Then I blow through a pipe to create a glass bubble,useing special tools I shape the glass.Or,I could blow the glass into heated mold.If I did not like my peice, I can restart.
Roughneck Homecomeing
I like Roughneck Homecomeing because,I see friends I haven’t seen in a while, just cause you move it still makes you a Roughneck.And i like getting out early just because parents dont like waiting in a long line to get there kids.THANK YOU PARENTS.And I like going home early on Fridays and doing absulutly nothing just set my stuff down and dont touch it until monday until i have to move it off the floor thats about the only time i touch it on the weekends i mean who doesnt just do nothing on the weekends unless you like doing math,reading,scince, history at home for no reason even tho your teaches dont know what your doing.Anyways I also like home comeing because of the peprally they might be loud but hey thats roughnecks for yah dont jude a school buy Its peprally you got to jude it by it foot ball games not its peprallys no dont even do that dont jude us at all becuase we will just wash it off out backs.
Jamestown or Plymouth
Id rather live in Jamestown because there were less people in Jamestown than there were in Plymouth,with less people that means more food,even tho there was not much food,maybe i could have a bit to eat.Then i could make glass and try to sell it to the natives and get some food off them.
Jaun was an explorer and i did not know people thought he was a fake make believe person I was shocked when i read that! An when I read his ship got frozen in ICE!I was just shocked and i realized theres more to History than to just sit there and look for stuff.
9/11 Reflections
The heroes going up when it was coming down and when the planes crashed into the towers we thought it was an antecedent but when when the second plane hit we knew it was an attack and we were all frighten and we didn’t know what to do at all so we just shouted in fear tears and lost one so many only if we could of stopped thous terrorist but at least a team Americans did stop one that was thought to hit the White House,even if it was they did not succeed in it because of our brave Americans.
Never Forget 9/11 Cause great heroes died that day
So Long 4th Grade
The most important think I learned was when multiplying fraction. My favorite project was was when we got battery and more and made a lightbulb light up. I was most surprised by our field trip to the splash pad. The thing I disliked most was having no recess.
The Yarrow
The Yarrow is in the Asterace Family its scientific name is Achilla mile Folium. This flower has a 2-3 feet stim, the petals cover the center of the flower. It blooms May-November. Its lives 20-45 days. The success with the species is 70%.Its yellow,red,and white.